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Greek Cup Quarter-finals - 2/27/13 17:00

Greek Cup 2012/2013 statistics

H Home Wins
46.15 %
D Draws
29.67 %
A Away Wins
24.18 %
U Under 2.5
59.34 %
O Over 2.5
40.66 %
G Avg Goals

Veria PAE - Panthrakikos statistics

Compare the performance of Veria PAE and Panthrakikos in the a Greek Cup 2012/2013 season. Here you will find their head-to-head matches as well.

Based on statistical data, you can form your own prediction for this match. Examine which team has scored or conceded more goals and assess the current form of both teams.

By placing performance graphs side by side, you can track the progress of Veria PAE and Panthrakikos in the championship.

Compare teams based on statistics

  • Win, draw, loss statistics
  • Double chance statistics
  • To Nil statistics: wins to nil and losses to nil
  • Winning margin statistics
  • Correct score statistics:
    which results were the most common in past matches
  • Number of goals:
    Under/over 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 goals
  • Odd and even goals
  • Goal scored and conceded per game and clean sheet stats
  • Goal scored and scored against
  • Number of goals in halves
  • Halftime / Fulltime (HT/FT) stats
  • Veria PAE v Panthrakikos mutual matches and head to head comparison

BTTS Statistics

BTTS, or Both Teams To Score is a popular betting market in football(soccer) betting. In a BTTS bet, you are predicting whether both teams involved in a match will score at least one goal each, or if at least one team will fail to score.

On this page you can compare BTTS statistics for Veria PAE and Panthrakikos. In addition to simple BTTS stats, you can also check BTTS & Over 2.5 goals, BTTS & Win and BTTS & Lose markets. We calculate these statistics for home, away and total games for each team.

Team Forms

When calculating team form, the last 5 matches are taken into account. This contributes to the overall form. For home and away form, the team's last 5 home and away matches are considered.

The form difference comes into play when comparing two teams.

The form difference involves two numbers: (home team's home form - away team's away form) and the difference between the total forms of the two teams. This can provide some indication of the likely outcome of the next match between the two teams.

If both numbers are positive and greater than 5, the home team is more likely to win. If both numbers are negative and less than -5, the away team is more likely to win. Otherwise, it might be a draw, but it's not recommended to base predictions solely on these numbers.